
Never Too Old

The world seems to expect us to be mature and do "adult" things as we grow up. But I have come to say that they lie. I say that we are never to old to imagine of you are a pirate and that stick you are holding is actually your sword. We are never to old to snuggle down in some blankets and watch our favorite Disney movies! And we are never to old to make a blanket fort in our bedrooms. I know this because I have done all of these recently, and I am 18 headed for college. But my age doesn't matter cause gosh darn it, if I want to be a pirate I will be! Even if to my neighbors I look like a complete lunatic, waving around a sword at nothing... But I digress. We should still, no matter our age, do crazy things that we did as little kids! I mean just the other day with my dear friend Emilyn, I got to go to a local park. Discovery Park is its name my friends and let me tell ya... It's a place worth discovering. Emilyn and I tromped all over the play set, and giggled like we were little kids again. To all the mothers that were there, they probably thought we were two awful teens disturbing the peace. But to us, well at least to me, it was pure freedom. It was a break from the constant life of working. Freedom from responsibility. We got to be little kids again as we played on the play set, drew with chalk, and even finger painted. Now I'm not sayin here that you can drop all responsibility and act like a complete child, cause if you do that, you'll have a one way ticket to the psychiatric hospital nearest to you. But what I am saying I that we need to take a moment out of our lives, and relieve the simple joys that we cherished as children. It's what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ wants for us. We must become as little children, full of innocence and joy if we are to return to Him. So the question is... Have you taken a moment to be like a little child today?

Have a look at the fun Emilyn and I had on our day of discovery: